Ian Kimmerly @ Dolby Chadwick

By Rachel Ralph, Jun. 19 2013

SAN FRANCISCO — Local painter Ian Kimmerly opened his newest show Continuous Wave at Dolby Chadwick on Thursday night, and these are some of the best paintings I’ve seen in a while.

The blurry crowds which occupy the deepest space within the painting look like they were printed, rather than painted, onto the canvas, but upon closer inspection, I found that the entire work was paint. Through abstract figures and brushstrokes, accompanied by very precise swatches of color, his work allows viewers to comprehend its construction while also losing themselves within it. It took everything in me not to touch the paintings, as texture of them is unbearably alluring, but I was very satisfied with just looking as well. Although you’ll probably miss the sophisticated crowd who was present at the opening, this show is definitely worth a visit before it closes on July 6th.

Words & photos: Rachel Ralph – rachel(at)fecalface.com